Brandon Gong

Hi, I'm Brandon Gong.

I'm a student, programmer, tennis amateur and terrible chef with side interests in mathematics & design.

“Why can we throw a question further than we can pull in an answer? Why such a vast net if there's so little fish to catch?” - Life of Pi
about me

Hi, I'm Brandon! I'm a first-year student at Brown University with a passion for patterns and creating things with code.

I'm currently concentrating in computer science and working on some projects on the side. In my spare time, I enjoy practicing piano, playing chess with friends, and spending time with my dog.

If you would like to glance through my resume, you may download the file here. Thanks for reading!

selected works


Python • OpenCV • kociemba

Read the state of a scrambled Rubik's cube in through a webcam and draw arrows indicating the next optimal turn onto the cube in real time.

view source on github


[in progress] C++ • FFTW • libsoundio

Identify notes played on a piano from a recording and transcribe the recording into sheet music readable by human musicians.

view source on github




Personal site

HTML • Vanilla CSS • JS

My personal portfolio and info page, written in simple, plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

view source on github

Math Bowl

Web Languages • Firebase Realtime DB

Knowledge Bowl-esque tournament manager handling live score updates, disputes, rank calculations, and scheduling.

view source on github


Java Processing • p5.js • nannou

Creative code sketches experimenting with color, flow fields, Perlin rings, cellular automata, geometry, and iteration.

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JSX • React Native • Cloud Vision API

Recognize and provide advice for disposing of compostable and non-compostable food scraps and waste in an environmentally-friendly manner.

view source on github


Python • BeautifulSoup4 • genanki

Parse and convert Wikipedia tables and Quizlet decks into Anki decks, with flexible formatting options.

view source on github


Python • WPILib • RobotPy

Code for 2019 FRC Robotics season with modular design and robust, responsive robot behavior managed via state machines.

view source on github


Thanks for visiting! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶


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Brandon Gong