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Padding in C structs

What are structs?

C doesn’t have any of the object-oriented facilities that its successors C++ or Java have, but it still provides us with an incredibly useful abstraction for tying together related data: the struct. For example, we could represent a cat with the following struct:

typedef struct cat {
  int color;
  int age;
  double weight;
} cat;

Then, we can interact with a struct and its members like so:

cat garfield;

garfield.weight = 51.3;
printf("%d\n", garfield.age);

On a first glance, the syntax is very reminiscent of a Java class with all public members. But structs are much more bare-bones than any Java class; rather than inheriting tons of methods or bookkeeping functionality from a parent Object, structs are little more than syntactic sugar over storing the variables one after another, consecutively in memory.

If we visualize our memory as a long tape, where each little rectangle is one byte, a cat struct looks something like this:

Since it’s that straightforward, we can access the fields of garfield without using the . operator, simply via pointer dereferencing. First, we load garfield’s address into a pointer variable called garfield_ptr, like this:

void *garfield_ptr = (void *) &garfield;

color is the first field in the cat struct, which means we can access color simply by dereferencing an int with a zero byte offset relative to the start of the struct:

assert(*(int*) (garfield_ptr + 0) == garfield.color);

What if we want age? Well, the first four bytes of the struct are used to store int color, so it makes sense that we can obtain age by dereferencing an int with a four byte offset relative to the start of the struct:

assert(*(int*) (garfield_ptr + 4) == garfield.age);

And for weight? Well, you can probably guess; it starts 8 little rectangles down from the start of the struct – the total space needed for color and age. So we can access it like so:

assert(*(double*) (garfield_ptr + 8) == garfield.age);

From this example, we’ve seen that C structs are remarkably compact and stupid simple. They are essentially some sweet syntactic sugar provided by the compiler to group variables together under one name; we can use structs perfectly fine (even without the . operator) just by working with its underlying memory representation.

In fact, in this case, we have that the entire memory footprint of the struct cat is equal to the sum of the memory footprints of all of its properties; not a single byte more is needed. We have that sizeof(cat) = sizeof(int) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(double) = 4 + 4 + 8 = 16.

Let’s now turn to a case that shows things are a bit more nuanced than it seems.

Complicating matters

Suppose we wanted to add a new field to our cat struct, one that keeps track of the cat’s first initial:

typedef struct cat {
  char initial;
  int color;
  int age;
  double weight;
} cat;

Based on our current understanding of how structs work, we might expect it to be laid out something like this in memory:

That is, if the old cat struct (before we added the initial property) had sizeof(cat) = 16, now that we added a 1-byte char to the front of the struct we should now have sizeof(cat) = 17.

But wait; after checking, we find out that sizeof(cat) = 24. Adding a one-byte property increased the size of the struct by 8 bytes! Huh. That’s weird.

Let’s see if we can still access the fields of the struct using the offset-dereferencing trick from earlier. Now, to access garfield.color, we would expect it to have an offset of 1 byte, since it is stored after char initial in memory.

assert(*(int*) (garfield_ptr + 1) == garfield.color);

// Assertion failed: (*(int*) (garfield_ptr + 1) == garfield.color), function main, file cat.c, line 17.
// fish: Job 1, './cat' terminated by signal SIGABRT (Abort)

This no longer works either. What’s going on here??

Tripping over chunks

It turns out that modern processors are faster at retrieving ints, doubles, and other basic data types from memory if those data are aligned in a certain way. This is because your CPU accesses bytes in memory not individually, but rather in chunks (called words). With correct alignment, basic data types will always lie within a chunk, and they can be loaded in a single operation. If your data is not aligned correctly, though, the CPU may need to load a chunk and then shift the loaded data a bit to get the desired value, or even worse it may need to load several of these chunks, shift each one, and then use another extra operation to concatenate the two results together to obtain the desired value.

This is so much more complicated than just loading a properly-aligned value that in fact some older processors, such as the Sun SPARC or Motorola 68k, simply do not support loading misaligned values and will throw an illegal instruction error.

To visualize this, let’s go back to our proposed cat layout from earlier, and assume that the computer uses a chunk size of 32 bits (i.e. it accesses 4 bytes at a time). I’ve drawn out and numbered the chunks on the left.

Since color is not aligned to the start of a chunk, we can see that it spills over into the next chunk; thus to access it, the CPU would need to load both chunks 1 and 2, shift the contents of each to isolate only the bytes for color (we don’t want initial or the part of age that gets accidentally loaded in the process), and then combine the result together.

(Side note: this is a bit of an oversimplification, as we leave out the discussion of buses, caches, and all of the other fancy things CPUs have to make things faster. But it’s still a good intuition to have and image to keep in mind.)

This is much slower and more difficult than if color were nicer-placed in memory. So why don’t we just do that?

Data as nature intended

Almost all CPUs are optimized to load data from memory that is naturally aligned (also known as self-aligned). What this means is that data starts at an address that is divisible by its size.

In other words, 8-byte doubles should be aligned to addresses that are divisible by 8, and 4-byte ints should be aligned to addresses divisible by 4. We can put 1-byte chars anywhere and they’ll be naturally aligned, since obviously any address is divisible by 1.

With these correct alignments, loads and stores are faster and indeed more natural, since the CPU reads memory in chunks aligned to these divisibility rules, so it does not need to go through the extra logic of loading multiple chunks to piece together the data.

Compilers know this, so to optimize structs for fast access, they introduce padding around fields implicitly to make sure everything is stored according to its natural alignment.

So let’s see what the cat struct actually looks like in memory:

We can see that (assuming the struct itself starts at an address divisible by 8, which it will):

And our offset-dereferencing trick earlier for accessing struct values simply with a pointer starts working again, now that we know the actual placement of color in memory to be an offset of four bytes, not 1:

assert(*(int*) (garfield_ptr + 4) == garfield.color);
// Works!

Packing more tightly

It turns out we can’t do better with the cat struct from above, but let’s look at another example. Consider the struct below:

struct test {
  char a;
  int b;
  char c;
  double d;
  int e;
  char f;

Without reading further, try to guess what sizeof(struct test) will be. Remember, all properties need to be naturally aligned, and the size of the struct itself needs to be an appropriate size so that if we were to store a bunch of struct tests consecutively in an array, each struct would start at an address divisible by what we need it to be.

If you guessed 32, congrats! If not, here’s the same struct, except now with all of the padding written out explicitly. You can check yourself that all properties in the struct are aligned correctly (assuming the struct starts at an address divisible by 8), and that total space usage is 32 bytes.

struct test {
  char a;
  char pad1[3];
  int b;
  char c;
  char pad2[7];
  double d;
  int e;
  char f;
  char pad3[3];

There’s quite a lot of padding in there, and we really could do a lot better. For example, consider this new version of struct test, which contains all of the same properties of the former, just listed in a different order:

struct test {
  char a;
  char c;
  char f;
  int b;
  int e;
  double d;

This basically equivalent struct now uses 24 bytes. Here it is, with padding written out:

struct test {
  char a;
  char c;
  char f;
  char pad1[1];
  int b;
  int e;
  char pad2[4];
  double d;

The previous struct test contained 13 bytes of filler padding; now, it only contains 5 bytes. We’ve saved 8 bytes of space – a whopping 25% decrease. Sure, 8 bytes is negligible nowadays, but imagine this scaled up across millions of such struct tests; it could reduce memory usage from 64GB to 48GB, which is nothing to laugh at. And the effort on our part is absolutely minimal.

So be mindful of how you order fields in a struct! It matters.

Want to pack even more tightly, i.e. get rid of the padding completely? Your compiler probably has an option for you to tell it to stop adding padding you didn’t ask for; with gcc, you can do so by adding an attribute to the struct declaration, like so:

struct __attribute__((__packed__)) test {
  char a;
  char c;
  char f;
  int b;
  int e;
  double d;

And with this, sizeof(struct test) is now 19 bytes. Keep in mind this space savings comes at a performance cost, since now your data is misaligned; your CPU will have to jump through some hoops to retrieve and store data.

Appendix: Is misaligned access really slower on latest processors?

When writing this blog post, I wanted to see if I could quantifiably measure how much slower working with misaligned data is. I wrote this sample C program, which tests reads and writes to a struct which I could compile as either packed or not packed.

  #define PACK __attribute__((__packed__))
  #define PACK

struct PACK test {
  char c;
  int height;
  double weight;

int main() {
  struct test t[1000];
  for(int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
    int q = i % 1000;
    t[999 - q].height = (int) t[q].weight;

And indeed, the binary compiled with -DSHOULD_PACK does run slower, according to my benchmarks:

$ hyperfine --warmup 3 './packed' './notpacked'
Benchmark 1: ./packed
  Time (mean ± σ):      1.290 s ±  0.004 s    [User: 1.286 s, System: 0.003 s]
  Range (min … max):    1.286 s …  1.299 s    10 runs
Benchmark 2: ./notpacked
  Time (mean ± σ):      1.248 s ±  0.001 s    [User: 1.245 s, System: 0.003 s]
  Range (min … max):    1.247 s …  1.251 s    10 runs
  './notpacked' ran
    1.03 ± 0.00 times faster than './packed'

For practical purposes, this is already enough to correctly say that “Packing C structs will cost you performance by making your compiled binaries slower”.

However, is this truly due to misaligned access? Here’s the assembly generated by gcc-13 -Wall test.c -DSHOULD_PAD -S:

	.arch armv8-a
	.align	2
	.globl _main
	mov	x12, 16016
	sub	sp, sp, x12
	str	wzr, [sp, 16012]
	b	L2
	ldr	w0, [sp, 16012]
	mov	w1, 19923
	movk	w1, 0x1062, lsl 16
	smull	x1, w0, w1
	lsr	x1, x1, 32
	asr	w2, w1, 6
	asr	w1, w0, 31
	sub	w2, w2, w1
	mov	w1, 1000
	mul	w1, w2, w1
	sub	w0, w0, w1
	str	w0, [sp, 16008]
	ldrsw	x0, [sp, 16008]
	lsl	x0, x0, 4
	add	x1, sp, 16
	ldr	d0, [x1, x0]
	mov	w1, 999
	ldr	w0, [sp, 16008]
	sub	w0, w1, w0
	fcvtzs	w2, d0
	sxtw	x0, w0
	lsl	x0, x0, 4
	add	x1, sp, 12
	str	w2, [x1, x0]
	ldr	w0, [sp, 16012]
	add	w0, w0, 1
	str	w0, [sp, 16012]
	ldr	w1, [sp, 16012]
	mov	w0, 51711
	movk	w0, 0x3b9a, lsl 16
	cmp	w1, w0
	ble	L3
	mov	w0, 0
	add	sp, sp, x12
	.section __TEXT,__eh_frame,coalesced,no_toc+strip_static_syms+live_support
	.set L$set$0,LECIE1-LSCIE1
	.long L$set$0
	.long	0
	.byte	0x3
	.ascii "zR\0"
	.uleb128 0x1
	.sleb128 -8
	.uleb128 0x1e
	.uleb128 0x1
	.byte	0x10
	.byte	0xc
	.uleb128 0x1f
	.uleb128 0
	.align	3
	.set L$set$1,LEFDE1-LASFDE1
	.long L$set$1
	.long	LASFDE1-EH_frame1
	.quad	LFB0-.
	.set L$set$2,LFE0-LFB0
	.quad L$set$2
	.uleb128 0
	.byte	0x4
	.set L$set$3,LCFI0-LFB0
	.long L$set$3
	.byte	0xe
	.uleb128 0x3e90
	.byte	0x4
	.set L$set$4,LCFI1-LCFI0
	.long L$set$4
	.byte	0xe
	.uleb128 0
	.align	3
	.ident	"GCC: (Homebrew GCC 13.1.0) 13.1.0"

Most of this output is GCC blabber and is rather ignorable, but what is of note is the movks, the lsrs, and that GCC never calls str or ldr with an odd (or even not divisible by 4) offset. This is indicative that GCC is generating instructions itself to avoid misaligned reads and writes, and is doing the whole shifting + piecing together data on the instructions side, rather than letting the chip do it.

So the slowdown is due to these extra movks and additional logic, rather than really str or ldr-ing from a misaligned address. To try to go a bit deeper and get around this, I wrote the below Assembly program to see if reading and writing from strange addresses is slower, but did not see any difference between packed vs. non-packed writes in my benchmarks:

.global _main
.align 2

	SUB SP, SP, #32
	MOV X0, 0
	MOV X3, #1
	LSL X3, X3, #30
	CMP X0, X3
	LDR X1, [SP, 3]
	ADD X1, X1, #1
	STR X1, [SP, 11]
	LDR X1, [SP, 8]
	ADD X1, X1, #1
	STR X1, [SP, 16]
	ADD X0, X0, #1
	ADD SP, SP, #32
	MOV X0, #0

Unfortunately, I think this is more symptomatic of other CPU features (especially caching) getting in the way of my tests than it is proving that misaligned reads and writes are just as fast as their aligned counterparts. To get around that, we’d need to write a bit more complicated program.

I’m a bit tired of writing assembly, so I won’t pursue this. But it’s definitely an avenue of exploration for later, and also a learning opportunity for me to solidify my knowledge of caches, buses, and the likes.

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