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ptree.ml part 2: Fleshing out the zipper

Note: This is just one post in a series of blog posts about ptree.ml. To see all posts about it, go here.

In the previous blog post, I defined two data structures that will be used throughout the ptree.ml library: the ptree, or property tree, and the peditor, or property editor.

type ptree =
  | Int of int64
  | Float of float
  | String of string
  | Boolean of bool
  | Null
  | Array of ptree array
  | Tree of ptree StrDict.t
type peditor =
  { under: ptree;
    above: (string * peditor) option;

Recall that the motivation for defining a peditor is that editing ptrees directly is very cumbersome and syntactically messy. The peditor will be able to move into and back up out of subdirectories, making edits relative to its current position. The ultimate goal is to “hide away” as much of the messy logic as possible and expose an easy API to the user.

So with that, let’s get started by implementing some basic movements with the peditor!

Baby Steps

Let’s figure out how to move downward first, that is, moving the peditor from one directory into a certain subdirectory. We’ll call this function cd_single, named such because cd hearkens back to the Unix terminal command cd (change directory), and single because we’re only going to worry about cding one single directory for now (and handle cd with whole paths later).

let cd_single p dir_name = ...

(where p is a peditor, and dir_name is the string name of the subdirectory to enter.)

The first, most obvious thing to check is whether or not the peditor is currently positioned over a Tree node. If not, it’s not even in a directory, so the concept of “entering a subdirectory” doesn’t make any sense at all.

let cd_single p dir_name =
  match p.under with
  | Tree t -> (* something... *)
  | _ ->
    (* We are not on a Tree node, so we can't cd into anything. *)
    raise @@ Ptree_exception "peditor is not on a Tree; cannot cd."

Ok, now assuming p.under is really a Tree, now we also need to check that the requested subdir actually exists within that Tree. If not, we can’t cd into a non-existent directory (just doesn’t make any sense), so we raise an exception.

let cd_single p dir_name =
  match p.under with
  | Tree t -> (
    match StrDict.find_opt dir_name t with
    | Some subdir -> (* Do something... *)
    | None -> raise @@ Ptree_exception "Key not found; cannot cd.")
  | _ ->
    (* We are not on a Tree node, so we can't cd into anything. *)
    raise @@ Ptree_exception "peditor is not on a Tree; cannot cd."

That’s actually the brunt of the logic. All we have to do now is return the new peditor struct pointing to that subdirectory. We do that easily like this:

{ under = subdir; above = Some (dir_name, p) }

(For the new peditor element, what is directly under it is that subdirectory we just found. And we keep a reference the old peditor element in above, storing it along with the directory name that points to this subtree.)

With cd_single done, it actually becomes super trivial to implement cd, with just a simple fold_left to cd_single into one directory at a time in a list of directories. Below is the full listing of the cd function:

let cd path pe =
  let cd_single p dir_name =
    match p.under with
    | Tree t -> (
      match StrDict.find_opt dir_name t with
      | Some subdir -> {under = subdir; above = Some (dir_name, p)}
      | None -> raise @@ Ptree_exception "Key not found; cannot cd.")
    | _ ->
      (* We are not on a Tree node, so we can't cd into anything. *)
      raise @@ Ptree_exception "peditor is not on a Tree; cannot cd." in
  List.fold_left cd_single pe path

Sometimes, users may prefer for us to return an option instead of throwing an exception whenever something goes wrong. It’s also good for users, since it forces them to think about the case where the path doesn’t exist in the tree.

Since we’re going to be converting functions from their partial form relatively frequently, we can just go ahead and define some helper functions to make it nice and functional:

let make_opt1 f x = try Some (f x) with Ptree_exception _ -> None
let make_opt2 f x y= try Some (f x y) with Ptree_exception _ -> None

make_opt1 takes unary functions that may throw Ptree_exception and has them return None instead of an exception if something happens, and make_opt2 does the same but for binary functions. cd path pe takes two arguments (path and pe), so we’ll use the latter to make an option version of cd.

let cd_opt = make_opt2 cd

Ok, great! So now we have a peditor and it can move down into subcategories and subcategories.

Well, it makes sense to code up the opposite action now: we can go down, so let’s figure out how to come back up.

In the Unix terminal, this can be achieved with cd .., but I don’t really want cd to do weird stuff based on whether or not the path is .., so I’ll just make a new name for this function: parent.

The first thing we need to do is check to see if there’s even a peditor parent; if we’re at the root directory, we won’t have any parent to go to! Conveniently, we store a reference to the parent as part of the peditor type.

let parent pe = match pe.above with
  | None ->
    (* This peditor has nothing above it, raise exception. *)
    raise @@ Ptree_exception "Already at the root; no parent to go to."
  | Some (k, ppe) -> ...

You may think: oh, in the Some case, we already stored the peditor pointing at the parent directory, so all we have to do is return ppe to get back the peditor pointing at the parent directory!

And you would be almost right, yet very wrong.

The thing is, even though you’ve changed the child peditor by potentially editing the subtree underneath, the parent still stores its own copy of the whole subtree (which sounds inefficient, but it’s really not – since everything is immutable, it’s really just a few references changed, not multiple redundant copies of the same thing). If we just blindly return the peditor from above, we’ll lose all of the changes we just made in the subtree, since the parent peditor never knew about them.

So, what we instead have to do is update this subtree in the parent peditor. Here’s where storing that key along with the parent peditor comes into play! We know the key that is associated with this subtree in the parent’s StrDict, so we just put this new (potentially updated) subtree into the parent’s StrDict at that key, and leave everything untouched.

Here’s the full code listing of parent, then.

let parent pe = match pe.above with
  | None ->
    (* This peditor has nothing above it, raise exception. *)
    raise @@ Ptree_exception "Already at the root; no parent to go to."

  | Some (k, ppe) ->
    (* It does have a parent peditor, ppe, and its key in that parent is k *)
    let updated = get_tree ppe.under |> StrDict.add k pe.under in
    { ppe with under = Tree updated }

And, just like cd, I can also make an opt version of parent:

let parent_opt = make_opt1 parent

And trivially, I can now implement a function that resets the peditor back so it points at the root directory, regardless of where it is in the tree, just by calling parent until there are no more parent directories to go to.

let rec root pe = match parent_opt pe with
  | None -> pe
  | Some ppe -> root ppe

The last major function that requires a serious amount of work is the put/ put_path functions, which put ptree data into the tree. The reason why I can’t simply just build this functionality off of cd is because unlike cd, if we try to put some data at a path that doesn’t exist, we want to create subdirectories until the path exists, not just give up and fail.

Let’s focus on just put first, without thinking about the path stuff. One thing I needed to check is that we aren’t overriding the root directory with a non-Tree ptree value. This might change later, but I really wanted to maintain the root as a Tree for now.

So what we’ll do is first see if we’re at the root, and if so make sure the ptree value we’re trying to put is of the Tree variant.

let put pt pe =
  let modified = {pe with under = pt} in
  (* Check to see if this node is the root node (i.e. nothing above it) *)
  match pe.above with
  | None -> (
    (* Since we are on the root, we have to make sure pt is a tree. *)
    match pt with
    | Tree _ -> modified
    | _ -> raise @@ Ptree_exception "Cannot set root node to non-dict value.")
  | Some _ -> modified

Now, onto put_path.

let rec put_path pt path pe = match path with
  | [] -> put pt pe (* base case: path empty, just put here *)
  | f::r -> ...

As I said before, I don’t want to fail if the provided path we want to put pt at doesn’t exist in the subtree pointed to by pe.

So what we can do is try to cd into the subdirectory specified by f. If it works, then great, continue onward.

let rec put_path pt path pe = match path with
  | [] -> put pt pe
  | f::r -> (match cd_opt [f] pe with
    | Some p ->
      (* We were able to cd into this subdirectory; now just recur on put_path
         for the remaining subdirs and, when done, call `parent` to cd back out
         to the original directory. *)
      parent @@ put_path pt r p
    | None -> (* subdirectory doesn't exist -- what do we do? *)

If the subdirectory doesn’t exist, we have two cases we need to deal with separately.

Here’s the full code listing for put_path. Note how, in the None case for cd_opt, we match again to determine what type pe.under is, and treat those two cases accordingly.

let rec put_path pt path pe = match path with
  | [] ->
    (* `path` is empty, so we just put the value here and return. *)
    put pt pe
  | f::r -> (match cd_opt [f] pe with
    | Some p ->
      (* We were able to cd into this subdirectory; now just recur on put_path
         for the remaining subdirs and, when done, call `parent` to cd back out
         to the original directory. *)
      parent @@ put_path pt r p
    | None ->
      let mt_tree = Tree StrDict.empty in
      let add_mt = StrDict.add f mt_tree in
      (* Ok, so the subdirectory doesn't exist, which is why cd failed. Now,
         we check if our peditor is currently on a Tree node. *)
      match pe.under with
      | Tree t ->
        (* If so, great! We can simply add the new key into the dictionary
           so that we can cd into it next time we try. *)
        put_path pt path {pe with under = Tree (add_mt t)}
      | _ ->
        (* If not, we'll have to replace whatever's there with an empty dict.
           We then add our desired key as a subdirectory to this new dict. *)
        put_path pt path {pe with under = Tree (add_mt StrDict.empty)})

We’ve now built up our three key operations for the peditorcd, its opposite parent, and put. From these three operations, we can begin to compose up more complex behavior for the peditor.

More actions!

Another glaring action we’re currently missing is the counterpart to put: a function to get ptree data out of the peditor. Sticking with the Unix naming conventions, I’ve decided to call the function cat, since in the terminal calling cat on a file prints its contents out.

With cd in hand, the implementation of cat, cat_path, and cat_path_opt are actually super trivial:

let cat pe = pe.under

(* Unlike put_path, here we can use cd, because if it fails we have nothing to
   cat. *)
let cat_path path pe = cd path pe |> cat
let cat_path_opt = make_opt2 cat_path

Notice that I call cd on pe, but never use parent to pop back out to where we were. This is okay because the “modified” peditor is never actually returned, and the original pe passed into the cat_path function call is immutable and thus is the same as it was bfore.

By combining cat_path and put_path, I can easily implement cp, which is a function that allows us to copy whole subtrees of data from one path to another.

let cp source dest pe = cat_path source pe
  |> fun d -> put_path d dest pe

We also need to be able to delete things using the peditor. One thing I need to be a bit careful of here is to not permit deleting the root directory, as that would leave us with a completely degenerate peditor. Like put for put_path, I’ve pulled the operation for removing whatever the peditor is currently pointing at into a separate function, rm, which I’ll then use to build rm_path.

Instead of just straight up discarding the thing we just removed, I thought it would be nice to return the deleted value in a tuple alongside the peditor after deletion. Then the user who called the function can decide what they want to do with it. (Sometimes using the value that was just popped out is very handy!)

let rm pe =
  (* This is pretty straightforward, we just need to make sure we aren't
     deleting the root. *)
  match pe.above with
  | Some (k, p) -> let t = get_tree p.under in
    {p with under = Tree (StrDict.remove k t)}, StrDict.find k t
  | None -> raise @@ Ptree_exception "You cannot rm the root directory."

let rm_opt = make_opt1 rm

Ok, now we can implement rm_path. Big distinction here between this one and cat_path: since we’re returning the peditor itself, we need to make sure we leave it in the same place that we found it after we cd to the subdirectory and call rm.

To make this happen, we need to call parent on the peditor (n - 1) times after we’ve called cd and rm, where n is the length of the path. (We only need to go up (n - 1), and not n, since rm deletes one depth already.)

So I first define a helper function, apply_n, which applies the given function a certain number of times. We use this to call parent repeatedly and pop us back out to the original location after we’ve made the edits.

let rec apply_n n f x =
  if n <= 0 then
    apply_n (n-1) f (f x)
let rm_path path pe =
  let pop_out = apply_n (List.length path - 1) parent in
  cd path pe
  |> rm
  |> fun (p, d) -> (pop_out p, d)

let rm_path_opt = make_opt2 rm_path

I can immediately reap the benefits of rm_path returning both the modified peditor as well as the deleted element to define mv, which moves an element from one path to another. You’ll see it looks very similar to cp, except instead of using cat to get a copy, I’m using rm to kick the old copy out.

let mv source dest pe = rm_path source pe
  |> fun (p, d) -> put_path d dest p

Hmm… what else can we do? An ls function, to get all subdirectories in a given directory, might be helpful. (get_tree is just a small function that gets the StrDict out of a Tree variant ptree value, and raises an exception if the ptree value is not a Tree.)

let ls path pe = cd path pe
  |> (fun p -> p.under)
  |> get_tree
  |> StrDict.bindings
  |> List.map fst (* keep only the keys *)

let ls_opt = make_opt2 ls

I’ll also make a pwd function, since its easy, and potentially useful in some cases. Similar to root, it’s a recursive definition.

let pwd pe =
  let rec aux t = match t.above with
    | None -> []
    | Some (k, p) -> k :: (aux p) in
  List.rev (aux pe)

And finally, I’ll define a depth function, which returns the depth of the subtree currently pointed to by the peditor. This could be handy in a lot of cases, but will become especially handy when we try exporting trees to INI, as INI only allows for trees of depth < 2.

This is just your classic, homework-style tree depth algorithm!

let rec depth pe =
  let keep_max m x = max m (depth @@ cd [x] pe) in
  match ls_opt [] pe with
  | None | Some [] -> 0
  | Some lst -> 1 + List.fold_left keep_max 0 lst

I think we’ve made a good set of useful actions we can perform with the peditor now, so I’ll stop here.

To summarize, in this post we’ve fleshed out the operations we can do with the peditor, which is the API the library exposed to users for easily editing ptree objects.

This API really is very handy and easy to use! To see it in action, check out some of the examples in the GitHub README.

This about wraps up the central part of the project. In the next post, I’ll start working on something very exciting: parsing! We’ll start build a parser combinator library up from scratch, after some type-driven development.

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