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ptree.ml part 1: Introduction and Basic Setup

Note: This is just one post in a series of blog posts about ptree.ml. To see all posts about it, go here.

This will be the first post in a long series where I document the process of building a new project, which I’ve called “ptree.ml”.

The spec

This project is inspired by Boost’s PropertyTree library, but for OCaml. Different data serialization formats such as INI, JSON, XML, and YAML are, at their core, pretty similar; they can be viewed as a tree, where keys in the tree can either point to “leaves” – individual atoms, such as strings, numbers, booleans, etc. – or “branches”, which are subtrees that contain more of these key-value pairs.

The goal of this project is to serve as a “universal adaptor” between these different serialization formats (so far just INI, JSON, XML, and YAML, but more could be added). ptree.ml users would be able to easily read in a file of their choice, get out specific values or iterate through branches, modify the tree (we’ll stick to doing so in an immutable, persistent manner), and write it out to any file format (even if it’s different from the file they read it in from).

I plan to make modification more efficient by using a Zipper data structure, and use parser combinators to do the input reading. The API for editing property trees will be something reminiscent of Unix filesystem commands, e.g. rm, cd, ls, mv and more. This will hopefully be fairly intuitive and easy to use.

As for output, it should be fairly simple to write back out to a file, as subtrees in all of these file formats look identical to the base tree, so simple recursion will do. I want ptree.ml to output clean, indented, human-readable output.

What this project is not going to be is:

Setting up the central piece

So, while the library is going to look something like this:

graph LR A("magic") B(JSON parser) C(INI parser) D(XML parser) E(JSON pretty-printer) F(INI pretty-printer) G(XML pretty-printer) C-->A B-->A D-->A A-->F A-->E A-->G

Instead of building from the “bottom-up” (i.e. left-to-right: making the parsers first, then the central part, then the pretty-printer), I’m actually going to start from the middle and work my way outward. This is because I’ll be defining some very central data structures that the parsers need to parse to, and those same data structures will also need to be used by the pretty-printers to generate the output.

Ok, so let’s think about it. What data structures will I need? Well at the heart, INI, JSON, and XML really have similar structures, if we ignore all of the syntactic stuff. For example, take these three examples, which are just INI, JSON, and XML respectively, representing the same data.

name = Brandon Gong
is_cool = true
favorite_number = 3.1415
  "person": {
    "name": "Brandon Gong",
    "is_cool": true,
    "favorite_number": 3.1415
  <name>Brandon Gong</name>

Sure, the syntax looks pretty different, but really they are all representing this:

graph TD A(person) B(name) C(is_cool) D(favorite_number) E(Brandon Gong) F(true) G(3.1415) A-->B A-->C A-->D B-->E C-->F D-->G

So we have some nodes that are “leaf nodes” - i.e. they have no children below them: Brandon Gong, true, and 3.1415 are all leaf nodes. And we have some branch nodes, like person and name, which don’t hold any data themselves and just serve to give names to categories and subcategories of those leaf nodes.

With that distinction in mind, we can think about making some sort of tree data structure, like so:

type 'a ptree =
  | Leaf of 'a
  | Tree of 'a ptree

This is really not great for several reasons, the most glaring of which is that since the Tree variant only stores one ptree, we can never have more than one branch (e.g. one ptree can never point to two sub-ptrees), so what we’ve essentially done here is made a linked list implementation.

Well, we can try to address that by storing a list of ptrees instead of just a single one in the Tree variant:

type 'a ptree =
  | Leaf of 'a
  | Tree of 'a ptree list

And this is heading in the right direction, since now we can actually make non-trivial trees instead of just one-dimensional linked lists. The only problem is I would like to be able to lookup child trees by name (e.g. in our example above, I would like to be able to lookup the name subtree from the person tree using the string "name"). The list wouldn’t not work, but doing this string lookup would be quadratic time, as we would have to compare each string in the list in the worst case, and string comparison itself is also linear.

A better way to do it is to use a data structure more suited for the task, a Map. (Yes, there’s also a Hashtbl in OCaml, but it’s mutable, and mutable things are Not Cool™ for a variety of reasons.)

In OCaml, to get a Map data structure that uses a certain type (here we want to use string) as its key, we need to use the Map.Make functor.

module StrDict = Map.Make(String)

Ok, so now we’ve got a dictionary-esque data structure that stores mappings from string keys to values of any type. Let’s swap that in for the list implementation we were using earlier.

type 'a ptree =
  | Leaf of 'a
  | Tree of 'a ptree StrDict.t

Really close! The only problem now is that with this implementation, our tree would only be able to store one type at a time throughout the entire tree, since the 'a paramaterization is also enforced on children nodes. But actually, in our property tree, we have many different leaf nodes with different types. Take a look back at our example! We have the string "Brandon Gong", the boolean true, and a floating-point value 3.1415.

So really, instead of just one blanket Leaf variant that can only store one type at a time, there’s a lot of different possible leaves. Sort of arbitrarily, I’ve picked the different leaves we can have to be Int, Float, String, Boolean, Null, and Array. This is a good set of different primitive types to work with; it’s pretty thorough.

type ptree =
  | Int of int64
  | Float of float
  | String of string
  | Boolean of bool
  | Null
  | Array of ptree array
  | Tree of ptree StrDict.t

(I chose int64 instead of int just to try to make it as widely useful as possible, since some serialization formats may not make the distinction.)

So this is pretty well good and all. We can recreate the example earlier using our shiny new ptree data definition like this:

let example_tree =
  let tree = StrDict.empty
    |> StrDict.add "name" (String "Brandon Gong")
    |> StrDict.add "is_cool" (Boolean true)
    |> StrDict.add "favorite_number" (Float 3.1415) in
  Tree tree

…ok, that was oddly painful. Even worse, what if I decide that friendship ended with pi, and now e is my best friend?

let updated_tree =
  match example_tree with
  | Tree t -> Tree (StrDict.add "favorite_number" (Float 2.7183) t)
  | _ -> (* Should never be here?? *)

That’s already quite a surplus of mess (and quite a deficit of legibility) just to update one property, and you can just imagine what a mess of match expressions and parentheses we would have to have to change a property that was maybe a few subdirectories deep.

So no, this won’t do.

Luckily, in the CSCI0190 course I took at Brown last year with Professor Shriram Krishnamurthi, I was introduced to a really beautiful data structure in one of the assignments, which I later found out to be called a zipper. I found the concepts to be quite immediately applicable to my own use case.

The basic concept behind the zipper is to store a specific location within the tree. Everytime we descend into a subdirectory, we don’t “forget” about the old zipper; we keep track of it, and we can easily pop back up to it whenever we are done making the changes.

type peditor =
  { under: ptree;
    above: peditor option;

So the peditor (aka Property Editor) stores the sub-ptree that is directly under it, as well as its parent peditor. It’s a peditor option and not just a peditor because when we are at the root, there is no parent!

This zipper implementation is a bit different from the one I did in the course, because unlike that one, we don’t really care about lateral movement between siblings here (normally there would be a left and right list as well stored in the zipper). What’s really important for this use-case is to be able to move in and out of directories easily.

One tweak I’ll have to make is, instead of just storing the parent peditor, I also need to store the string key in the parent tree node that points to the ptree that this peditor is currently on. This makes it so that when we pop back up, we know which key in the parent StrDict to update.

type peditor =
  { under: ptree;
    above: (string * peditor) option;

For example, if our peditor is pointed at the name node in our example tree, its under property would be a String "Brandon Gong", and its above property would be Some ("name", <peditor pointing at the person node>).

We can define some helpful things now! An empty peditor is just a peditor pointing to the root node of an empty tree, i.e. a tree that has no bindings, i.e. a Tree (StrDict.empty).

let empty = { under = Tree(StrDict.empty); above = None; }

And given an existing ptree, to “attach” a peditor to it we simply need to put it at the root of the ptree, i.e. define its under value to be the whole ptree, and have nothing above it (since it’s the root).

let peditor_of_ptree pt = match pt with
  | Tree _ -> { under = pt; above = None; }
  | _ -> raise @@ Ptree_exception "Cannot create peditor from non-Tree node."

Note I used a custom exception type earlier. It’s just a generic exception used throughout ptree.ml, to distinguish it from other errors. It’s nothing special, so don’t worry too much about it. It’s just a exception Ptree_exception of string.

These two type declarations, ptree and peditor, are the two central types of the library. Next post, I’ll expand on the peditor type, and write some helpful functions to navigate throughout and make edits on the ptree.

If the peditor type doesn’t quite make sense yet, read on! It’s usefulness, and why we store what we store, will become a lot more clear once I write some functions that work with it.

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