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Solving Project Euler's "Su Doku" with constraint propagation

(Spoiler alert: In this post I discuss a solution to a Project Euler problem. Since it is within the first 100 problems, sharing my solution publicly on this blog is explicitly allowed by the Project Euler FAQ. But if you want to solve it on your own, go try it now and don’t read any further!)

Introduction to the problem

Here’s a brief overview of Project Euler’s Problem 96:

Parsing the boards from the text file in the beginning and taking the sum at the end are pretty trivial tasks, so I’ll mainly focus on the problem of interest, namely solving the sudoku board.

Each blank in a sudoku board can take on a value between 1-9. Thus, if we try the dumbest approach and just try out every possible choice to see if it is a valid solution, we’ll have to try, in the worst case, \(9^n\) times, where \(n\) is the number of blank squares in the sudoku puzzle.

To give you a vague idea of how quickly this blows up, suppose we have a board with 25 known numbers, 56 blank spots (very reasonable for a sudoku puzzle). Then, even if the whole process of filling in the board and checking if it’s a valid solution takes just one nanosecond, we’ll be searching for a solution for up to \(8.68 * 10^{36}\) years. (The universe is around \(1.38 * 10^{10}\) years old.)

That’s a little slow for my preferences, but of course there are ways to drastically prune the search space as we go.

The algorithm

Once we know a square to be a certain value, we can definitively eliminate that value from all other squares in the same box, row, and column as that square. Each time we remove a possibility from a square, we reduce the size of the search space dramatically. So, roughly, the procedure is as follows:

In this way, every guess introduces new constraints on other squares, and these constraints get propagated down along the search tree – hence the name.

Writing the code

The first order of business is deciding how we’re going to represent the sudoku board within memory.

As always, its a good idea to break a more sophisticated and daunting problem down into smaller parts, so let’s focus on how to represent a single square of the board first.

For any square in a sudoku puzzle, we either know it to

We can store all of that information in a simple algebraic data type:

data Square = Definitely Int | Possibly (Set Int)

And, since we’ll need it later, we’ll just define a very simple predicate to check if a square’s value is definitively known, or still uncertain:

is_possibly (Possibly _) = True
is_possibly _ = False

(I’m using a Set here in the Possibly case to store the different possible values for the square, but you could easily use something like an integer list or bitset as well.)

A board is made up of 81 squares. I decided to just define a board to be an Array of Squares of size 81, where the squares are numbered as such:

0  1  2  | 3  4  5  | 6  7  8
9  10 11 | 12 13 14 | 15 16 17
18 19 20 | 21 22 23 | 24 25 26
27 28 29 | 30 31 32 | 33 34 35
36 37 38 | 39 40 41 | 42 43 44
45 46 47 | 48 49 50 | 51 52 53
54 55 56 | 57 58 59 | 60 61 62
63 64 65 | 66 67 68 | 69 70 71
72 73 74 | 75 76 77 | 78 79 80

This allows for fairly easy accessing and updating. For example, if we want to access the Square in the board that is the 3rd square from the left, 2nd from top (i.e. square 11), all we have to do is take its x-coordinate and add it to nine times its y-coordinate, i.e. \(2 + 9 * 1 = 11\) (note that coordinates are zero-indexed for this to work, so that’s why they are one less than what you think they would be).

Okay, so we established that a Board is really just an array of Squares…

type Board = Array Int Square

And while we’re at it, we might as well define a “blank board” that we’ll be using later, which is just an empty board in which no Square is Definitely a particular value, and every square can Possibly be any value between 1-9.

blank_board = listArray (0, 80) (repeat blank & take 81)
  where blank = Possibly (fromList [1..9])

Many of these squares are related to each other in a particular way; for example, if we were to fill in the value of some square, we should update all other squares along the same row, column, or box to no longer possibly be that value.

It would be a good idea to build a “lookup table” of sorts so its easy to do this updating later on. In this table, I want to be able to look up the index of the square I’m updating – say I’m updating square 40, right in the middle of the board – and get back a list of the indices of its peers, or the squares that need to have their constraints updated – in this example, that would be squares 4, 13, 22, 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 48, 49, 50, 58, 67, and 76.

Let’s first build up all of the different houses in a sudoku board – all the rows, columns, and boxes.

x = [0..8]
y = [0..8]
-- hey, that's the formula I mentioned earlier!
rows = [fromList [a + 9 * b | a <- x] | b <- y]
cols = [fromList [a + 9 * b | b <- y] | a <- x]
-- Fairly nasty list comprehension for boxes, could probably be cleaner
boxes = [fromList [a + 9 * b + (c * 3) + (d * 27) | a <- [0..2], b <- [0..2]] | c <- [0..2], d <- [0..2]]
houses = rows ++ cols ++ boxes

So now rows is a list of sets of indices; each set has the indices of all the squares that are in the same row. Similar goes for cols and boxes. houses is just all three of those lists combined together.

All the peers of a certain square are all the squares in the same row, column, or box; thus to get all the peers of a certain index, we just need to get all of the sets in houses that contain our desired index, and union them all together.

peers = listArray (0, 80) [combined $ houses_containing i | i <- [0..80]]
  where houses_containing i = filter (member i) houses
        combined setlst = foldl union empty setlst

With the lookup table of peers in hand, we can write our first serious function to add a guess to a Square in the Board and update the constraints of all of its corresponding peers.

What’s the type signature of this function going to look like? Well, it’ll take a Board of course, the index of the square that we’re making a guess for (an integer), and finally the guess itself (also an integer). And it’ll return the Board after we’ve made the desired updates.

make_guess :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Board

The process is simple: first we’ll change the square we have a guess for to be Definitely val, where val is our guess, and then we’ll remove that possibility from all its peers. We define update_square and remove_possiblity to help with doing that, and fold over all peers to get the final board with all the changes.

make_guess board idx num = remove_all $ peers ! idx
  where board_with_guess = board // [(idx, Definitely num)]
        update_square (Definitely val) = Definitely val
        update_square (Possibly vals) = Possibly (delete num vals)
        remove_possibility b i = b // [(i, update_square $ b ! i)]
        remove_all = foldl remove_possibility board_with_guess

This is all we need to write our solve function! solve will recursively find the Square (for which we don’t Definitely know a value for) with the least number of possibilities, make a guess in that square using make_guess, and then try solving the board in that new state.

Obviously not all boards are solvable (not all of our guesses will work!) so solve won’t necessarily return a solved Board; instead, we’ll have it take the unsolved board, and return a Maybe Board, where the return value is Nothing if the board is unsolvable:

solve :: Board -> Maybe Board

The code is not too complicated: we use assocs board to get a list of (index, Square) pairs, from which we filter out the squares whose values are known, and sort the remaining elements by the size of their Possibly set.

If there is an element that has no possible values remaining (i.e. the size of it’s Possibly set is 0), then the board is unsolvable; we’ve reached a contradiction, since every square in a solved sudoku board should be a concrete value between 1 and 9.

One perhaps hidden optimization is that the function stops searching after the first solution (known to be the only one, in our case); this is achieved through the use of msum (monad sum) and map. Since map is lazily evaluated, we won’t be searching for solutions on every possible guess; we can stop after the first solution is found and just return it.

solve board = case unsolved of
  [] -> Just board
  ((i, Possibly x):xs) ->
    if (size x) == 0 then
      msum $ map (solve . make_guess board i) $ toList x
  where unsolved = assocs board
          & filter (is_possibly . snd)
          & sortBy (\(_, Possibly a) (_, Possibly b) -> compare (size a) (size b))

And that’s all. We’ve written a sudoku solver.

To help us check everything is working properly, and since we’ll need to be able to parse boards later from the text file, here’s two more functions parse_board and show_board, which convert from and to a string representation of the board respectively. (Slight implementation quirk: parse_board expects strings without newlines, i.e. all the numbers in one long 81-character string, while show_board returns the string with pretty-printed newlines, so the two functions aren’t precise inverses of each other.)

-- small helper function to break list into chunks that we'll need now and
-- later. i.e. list_chunks 2 [1,2,3,4,5,6] = [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]]
list_chunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
list_chunks n [] = []
list_chunks n lst = (take n lst) : (list_chunks n $ drop n lst)

parse_board :: String -> Board
parse_board str = zip str [0..]
  & filter (\(c,_) -> c /= '0')
  & foldl (\b (c,i) -> make_guess b i (digitToInt c)) blank_board

show_board :: Board -> String
show_board board = elems board
  & map (\e -> case e of
      Definitely val -> intToDigit val
      Possibly _ -> '0')
  & list_chunks 9
  & intercalate "\n"

Let’s just check everything is working properly with a simple main function, solving the first board in p096_sudoku.txt.

main :: IO ()
main = case (parse_board "003020600900305001001806400008102900700000008006708200002609500800203009005010300" & solve) of
  Just x -> putStrLn $ show_board x
  Nothing -> putStrLn "Couldn't solve"

And the output from running:


Which is the solved board, as desired.

Everything is working now, the last step is to solve all the boards in the file, grab out the top 3 numbers from all boards, and return the sum. We’ll write a separate function for getting the top three values, and update our main function for the rest.

Here’s get_top_three:

get_top_three :: Board -> Maybe Int
get_top_three board = case take 3 $ elems board of
  [Definitely x, Definitely y, Definitely z] -> Just (100 * x + 10 * y + z)
  _ -> Nothing

and here’s the new main:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  content <- readFile "p096_sudoku.txt"
  print $ solve_and_total $ get_puzzles content
  where get_puzzles content = lines content
          & filter (not . isPrefixOf "Grid")
          & list_chunks 9
          & map (intercalate "")
          & map parse_board
        puzzle_to_num puzzle = case solve puzzle >>= get_top_three of
          Nothing -> 0
          Just x -> x
        solve_and_total = foldl (\acc puzzle -> acc + puzzle_to_num puzzle) 0

All we do is remove all the “Grid XX” lines from the text file, split it into chunks of 9 lines each, join each chunk into a whole string, and parse it into a board. Then we solve it, grab the number out, and take the total!

That wraps up the code, and the problem as a whole. Our program spits out the correct number from the computation, which I won’t list here for sake of not giving away Project Euler answers for absolutely zero effort, but if you’ve followed along so far it should be easy for you to get the answer!

That’s all.

Full code listing


 Imports from standard library. Useful functions we'll use in our code.

import Data.Set (Set, fromList, empty, union, member, size, delete, toList)
import Data.List (sortBy, isPrefixOf, intercalate)
import Data.Array (Array, assocs, elems, (!), (//), listArray)
import Data.Function ( (&) )
import Data.Char (digitToInt, intToDigit)
import Control.Monad (msum)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe)

  Defining how to represent the sudoku board using data structures.

data Square = Definitely Int | Possibly (Set Int)
is_possibly (Possibly _) = True
is_possibly _ = False

type Board = Array Int Square

-- useful constant to have: all boards start from blank and get
-- filled in
blank_board = listArray (0, 80) (repeat all_possible & take 81)
  where all_possible = Possibly (fromList [1..9])

  Building our peers lookup table that we'll reference when making
  guesses on the board.

x = [0..8]
y = [0..8]
rows = [fromList [a + 9 * b | a <- x] | b <- y]
cols = [fromList [a + 9 * b | b <- y] | a <- x]
boxes = [fromList [a + 9 * b + (c * 3) + (d * 27) | a <- [0..2], b <- [0..2]] | c <- [0..2], d <- [0..2]]
houses = rows ++ cols ++ boxes

peers = listArray (0, 80) [combined $ houses_containing i | i <- [0..80]]
  where houses_containing i = filter (member i) houses
        combined setlst = foldl union empty setlst

  The two major functions that do the majority of the work: make_guess
  and solve. solve uses make_guess to recursively explore a tree of
  guesses, stopping when it finds a full solution.

make_guess :: Board -> Int -> Int -> Board
make_guess board idx num = remove_all $ peers ! idx
  where board_with_guess = board // [(idx, Definitely num)]
        update_square (Definitely val) = Definitely val
        update_square (Possibly vals) = Possibly (delete num vals)
        remove_possibility b i = b // [(i, update_square $ b ! i)]
        remove_all = foldl remove_possibility board_with_guess

solve :: Board -> Maybe Board
solve board = case unsolved of
  [] -> Just board
  ((i, Possibly x):xs) ->
    if (size x) == 0 then
      msum $ map (solve . make_guess board i) $ toList x
  where unsolved = assocs board
          & filter (is_possibly . snd)
          & sortBy (\(_, Possibly a) (_, Possibly b) -> compare (size a) (size b))

  Handling IO and Project Euler-specific stuff: parsing and showing
  the board as a string, getting the 3 digit number from a solved
  board, etc.

list_chunks :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
list_chunks n [] = []
list_chunks n lst = (take n lst) : (list_chunks n $ drop n lst)

parse_board :: String -> Board
parse_board str = zip str [0..]
  & filter (\(c,_) -> c /= '0')
  & foldl (\b (c,i) -> make_guess b i (digitToInt c)) blank_board

show_board :: Board -> String
show_board board = elems board
  & map (\e -> case e of
      Definitely val -> intToDigit val
      Possibly _ -> '0')
  & list_chunks 9
  & intercalate "\n"

get_top_three :: Board -> Maybe Int
get_top_three board = case take 3 $ elems board of
  [Definitely x, Definitely y, Definitely z] -> Just (100 * x + 10 * y + z)
  _ -> Nothing

  The main function, which is the entry point of the program and handles
  reading the file and calling the rest of the functions to obtain the
  final answer.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  content <- readFile "p096_sudoku.txt"
  print $ solve_and_total $ get_puzzles content
  where get_puzzles content = lines content
          & filter (not . isPrefixOf "Grid")
          & list_chunks 9
          & map (intercalate "")
          & map parse_board
        puzzle_to_num puzzle = case solve puzzle >>= get_top_three of
          Nothing -> 0
          Just x -> x
        solve_and_total = foldl (\acc puzzle -> acc + puzzle_to_num puzzle) 0

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