
Hi! I’m Brandon Gong, a fourth-year undergraduate at Brown University concentrating in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.

I have interned as a backend engineer at The Washington Post, building a new payments system to support current and future projects and contributing features and optimizations to paywall engines. Before that, I was at the National Institutes of Health, where I mapped the rare disease research landscape using graph databases.

Coding is my favorite hobby! Doing personal projects has given me the ability to quickly orient myself in new languages or frameworks. It’s also made me sharper at reading and debugging unfamiliar code. When I have some spare time, I post to my blog, documenting my new learnings / recent toy programs.

When I’m not sitting at the computer, I enjoy cooking, practicing piano, hiking, and playing tennis. Check out my random page to see what I’m currently obsessed with!

Let’s get in touch! You can find me at any of my links, grab a copy of my resume, or reach out to me via email at brandon [at] bgong.xyz.

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